My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Paul Kasey

My Paul Kasey Autograph

Paul Kasey1.jpg Oscar IsaacDuimnaleRoger Christian

About my Paul Kasey Autograph

I have a massive affection for Rogue one, it a a stand out piece of work, very dark, lots of traditional characters and it fits and feels like original trilogy
These guys have sparked my curiosity a lot they’re one of the more intriguing-looking new characters This is Edrio Two tubes played by Paul Kasey
You just know this guy would look at him in the cantina or Jabbas palace
Big thanks to my Collecting brother Dave Rowntree for his help with this very cool image

Information about this Paul Kasey image

Dave Louis Oldbury
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Rogue One

More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection